
WhizzGolf Challenge

The WhizzGolf Challenge at Golf Club Kampenhout is a competition in Stableford played over 4 different Men’s days.

The sponsor will provide nice prizes for the players with the 2 best scores over the 4 matches. Additional prizes for the Ultra Drive (Longest drives) recorded during the competitions using the WhizzGolf app. (User manual can be find in the Dutch part of the site)

Preliminary ranking Stableford after 3 competitions – 2 best scores :

Category 1:

  1. Geerts Pieterjan (42+38) : 80
  2. Van Assche Danny (40+29) : 69
  3. Postiglione Roberto (36+31) : 67


Category 2

  1. Lohitsa Vijay (43+30) : 73
  2. Bekaert Marc (39+29) : 68
  3. De Preter Bastian (36+31) : 67
  4. Thuwis Jos (34+33) : 67

Still one competition to play on October 6th.

Sum of all Ultra Drives – top 3 :

  1. PieterJan Geerts : 5438 m
  2. Stefan Debruyn :  4681 m
  3. Tomas Van Orshoven : 2795 m

start to golf

Paasmaandag 1 April 2024

Gratis golfkennismakingmoment voor jong en oud!

Wat mag je verwachten:

  • 2 uur durende initiatie
  • Je maakt kennis met de golfswing
  • Begeleiding door Golfpro’s en enthousiaste golfers ! 

Meer info en inschrijvingen vanaf 2 maart via